Saturday, February 6, 2010

School's back.

Well, School's back. The girls were so excited to be starting school. It is such a new experience for them. Joe had the day off so we both got to take our little angels to class. Of, course we made sure the camera was at the ready. So the kids were up and ready early. I knew there would be a fight for parking so we gave ourselves extra time. Once at school, the girls were eager to get to class, but we waited a while as I was sure the prep teacher's did not want the kids to arrive at class too early. So at 8 o'clock we finally ventured down (school starts at 8:30) to prep. We were the first to arrive and the teachers were so lovely. Joe went to school with one of the prep teachers (not the girls' teachers) so he had a little chat before we took the girls to their classes. I was prepared for tears and anxiety, but we had none so we settled the girls said goodbye and left. (Other children had arrived by this stage and the rooms were filling with adults and children.) So Joe and I went off for the day, thinking how lovely it was that the girls were so calm. Or so we thought. At 2:45pm we went to collect the girls from their rooms. Joe went to get Tegan and I went to get Miranda. As I walked in, tears started flowing. It was very sad! Trudi, the school officer said she lasted most of the day and the tears only started just before home time, so not too bad, and considering Miranda was one to still have an afternoon sleep, I was very impressed! (She is only 4 1/2, just made the age cut off by 8 days!) So then I found Joe and Tegan and stuck my head into her class to see how she did. The teacher shook her head and said "not good" Apparently she started crying at lunch (which is at 10:30am) at continued the whole day. They ended up putting her in the corner with a cool washer to settle her. (They did ask Miranda if she wanted to sit with her sister but she said no) Tegan had not eaten a thing all day either. So day one done,not so good. Onto day 2. Miranda was awesome, still no morning tears, she was ready to go. Tegan was still excited about school, and went off ok, but I waited outside the classroom for a few minutes to see what would happen and sure enough, the tears started. I came back in, gave her a cuddle and handed her over to the teacher (I have to admit to a few tears welling up in my eyes too). So off I went, hoping for better news in the afternoon. Success, when I collected the girls they were happy. Tegan had only cried for a little while, and was pleased to announce she had made 3 friends (but did not remember their names) Miranda had made a friend too, Oliver! So day 3 was only a few morning tears as well.

So onto week 2. Only a couple of tears Monday morning, but really happy girls in the afternoon. By Tuesday Tegan gad made a good friend, Olivia, and she was much more settled. Miranda was starting to get tired from all this school and was having a couple of tears in the morning, but she was ok. By Thursday, the girls were Great! They had made a couple of friends and were going to line up without tears and the afternoons were beautiful. They had so much to tell me about their days and the friends they had made!

As for my big boy, well he is excited to be in year 7 and a school leader. He likes his teacher and seems to be happy with it all. Tomorrow, (Monday) he has his first retreat for the year. Blake is excited to wear free dress and have a sausage sizzle for lunch, but they will participate in some leadership building activities as well. I am really impressed with the effort the school makes in encouraging the kids to take on the leadership role and setting a good example to the whole school community. He should have an interesting year.

So that's what's new in Wezza's World,
Until next time, Keep Safe!
